Physical Society March Meeting - 2007
Colorado Convention Center
700 14th Street
Denver, CO USA
5 - 9 March 2007
Electron-Phonon Interaction in
the Polymeric Superconductor,
Polysulfur Nitride, (SN)x
Paul M.
IBM Research Staff Member Emeritus
Visiting Scholar in
Applied Physics, Stanford University EPRI Science Fellow (Retired) Principal, W2AGZ Technologies
Session P8: Focus Session: Novel Superconductors: Miscellaneous
Wednesday, 7 March 2007, CCC Korbel 1C
Talk P8.00006, 12:39 PM - 12:51 PM
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Go to Session P8
The Fermi Surface of (SN)x

Abstract: Electron-phonon interaction in the
polymeric superconductor, polysulfur nitride, (SN)x. Paul M.
Grant, W2AGZ Technologies, San Jose, CA.
In early 1975, superconductivity at temperatures
between 0.3 – 0.4 K was discovered in the inorganic polymer, polysulfur
nitride. The compound itself was originally synthesized in the first
decade of the 20
th century, but its transport properties went
largely undetermined until their investigation was sparked by the
emergence of the low dimensional layered organic charge transfer salts
in the decade of the 1980s. The issue of why the transition temperature
of (SN)
x is so low has never been adequately addressed
computationally, especially in view of the realization of
superconductivity at nearly 40 K in magnesium diboride, MgB
in 2001, a compound whose electronic structure is remarkably similar to
(SN)x, in that both are two-band, hole-electron semimetals
with low-dimensional Fermi surface topologies. In this talk, we report
our results on the calculation of the electron-phonon dispersion
relation, alpha-squared F(omega) for
x obtained from the application of DFT algorithms capable
of accurately treating screening of electron-phonon interactions in