(Continually Under Construction
Random Bits of W2AGZ Media Appearances...Or Not!
Minutes of
Fame! (kudos Andy Warhol)
In 1968, the American Artist Andy
Warhol infamously remarked, "In the future, everyone will be
world-famous for fifteen minutes." For me it has been more
often a case of "0 minutes!" As one of my EPRI
colleagues remarked
recently, "Sic Gloria Transit Grant!" Following
are two examples where I wound up on the cutting room floor. Well,
that's Show Biz!
It was the summer of '87 and high
temperature superconductivity was the rage. One of my most
favorite...and oft-told tales...concerns one afternoon in late
March that year, a week or two following the Woodstock of
Physics held in the Hilton Hotel, mid-town Manhattan, I was
standing in line at a local Safeway where I lived. I had
in my "out basket" three or four copies of that week's issues of
Time, Newsweek and US News and World Report. The checkout
clerk asked me why I wanted so many copies...and I answered, "I
don't think there will ever be a time again in my life when I'm
quoted in the same week in the three major news magazines in
America." The guy next to me in line looked around and
said, "Are you one of those TV evangelists?" Check out
what else was in the news in the Spring of 1987 and you'll get
(more about the photo later)