The Future of Long-Distance High-Power Electric Transmission
 Transporting Tens of Gigawatts of Green Power to the Market


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IASS Workshop (May 2011)

In May, 2011, Carlo Rubbia, Nobel Laureate and, at the time, Scientific Director at the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Science, Potsdam, Germany, organized a workshop on the above subject, partially motivated by the then upcoming 45th (soon to be 50th as I write this page) anniversary of the Garwin-Matisso proposal for the construction of a long distance superconducting transmission line utilizing then available low temperature materials.  The principal objective of this objective was to revisit their concept in light of the 1986 Bednorz-Mueller discovery of high temperature superconductors and their subsequent development for power transmission application. 

Renewable energy sources, such as solar, wind, geothermal and tidal power, are increasingly becoming more widely available in many parts of the world. Following the recent accident in Japan (Referring to Fukushima...PMG), the proposals to reduce nuclear power will make the development of renewable energy even more of a priority. As renewable energy sources will be located where suitable conditions (solar radiation, wind) are available, the generated energy will have to be transported over long distances, up to several thousands of kilometres.

Over 40 international experts from academia, research institutions and industry came together in Potsdam on the invitation of the IASS Scientific Director, Prof. Carlo Rubbia, to discuss the survey of the present status and perspectives of long-distance energy transport through superconducting electric lines.

The title above contains a hyperlink to the original program agenda, which has also been "backed up" to  The hyperlinks to follow are to this "backup," however use of this material should reference the original workshop agenda.

Paul M. Grant
7 March 2016

Attendee Group Photo

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I. "The Future of Large Power Electric Transmission"
(Rubbia, IASS) (Abstract)
II. "The Exceptional Properties of Superconductivity in Cuprates (no presentation given)"
(Mueller, IBM Zuerich) (Abstract)
III. "Can Future Energy Needs Be Met Through More Integrated Infrastructures?"
(Nakicenovic, U. Vienna) (Abstract)
IV. "New Deal Euro-Maghreb"
(Hasni, APEQUE) (Abstract)
V. "The Garwin-Matisoo Vision After 45 Years"
(Grant, W2AGZ) (Abstract)
VI. "Status of Conventional HVDC Electricity Transport at the GW Level"
(Kreusel, ABB) (Abstract)
VII. "Superconducting DC Cables for High Power Transport over Long Distances"
(Eckroad, EPRI) (Abstract)
VIII. "Superconductivity at DESY"
(Schmueser, DESY) (Abstract)
IX. "Superconductivity and Cryogenics at CERN"
(Claudet, DESY) (Abstract)
X. "The Pipetron as an Engineering Model for 10 GW Electricity Transmission over 1000 km"
(Cooley, Fermilab) (Abstract)
XI. "The Superconducting Power Technology in China"
(Xiao, IEE-CAS) (Abstract)
XII. "Innovative Solutions for Bulk Power Transmission"
(Menke, Siemens) (Abstract)
XIII. "Classical and High Temperature Superconductors: Practical Applications and Perspectives at CERN"
(Ballarino, CERN) (Abstract)
XIV. "The New MgB2 Superconductors: Present Status and Future Perspectives"
(Grasso, Columbus) (Abstract)
XV. "High-capacity High Temperature Superconducting Power Cables"
(Saugrain, Nexans) (Abstract)
XVI. "Experiment of the 200-meter DC Superconducting Power Cable and Perspectives of DC Superconducting Power Transmission and Distribution"
(Yamaguchi, U. Chubu) (Abstract)






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