* APS March Meeting 1999 * Abstact Draft Field Dependence of Diamagnetic Shielding Fraction with Carrier Concentration in High Temperature Superconductors P. M. Grant, W. Y. Lee, A. Nazzal and M. E. Lopez-Morales We have measured the ac susceptibility as a function of probe field strength and temperature in (Pr, Ca)-doped YBCO and Sr-doped La2CuO4. For the former, the sample doping range covered the entire superconducting phase; for the latter, La2-xSrxCuO4, both underdoped (x < 0.15) and overdoped (x > 0.15) samples were examined. The probe field ranged from 0.1-10 Oe rms. Only samples with "optimal" carrier concentration and highest Tc displayed bulk-level diamagnetic shielding fractions independent of field strength. In all other samples, a considerable decrease in saturation shielding fraction was observed as the probe field was increased to 10 Oe. We interpret this behavior as evidence for micro-granularity arising either from structural or electronic inhomogeneity, possibly from formation of stripe domains, in all but "optimally" doped high temperature superconductors.