The Energy SuperGrid

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A Symbiosis of

 Technologies supplying Carbon-free, Non-Intrusive Green Energy

for all Inhabitants of Planet Earth


Press Coverage

Chauncey Starr

Paul Grant

Jesse Ausubel

Tom Overbye

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Glennda Chui, San Jose Mercury-News, 28 April 2002
Local newspaper coverage of Chauncey Starr's 90th birthday, containing the story of the birth of the SuperGrid as well.

Taylor Moore, EPRI Journal, 20 November 2002
EPRI Journal coverage of the first SuperGrid workshop.  Please note that many of the links in this document are no longer valid.

UIUC Press Release, ScienceDaily, 20 March 2003
Announcing release of first SuperGrid workshop final report.

Lee Dye, ABC News, 2 April 2003
Interviews with Tom Overbye and Paul Grant.

USA Today, 10 April 2003
Interview with Tom Overbye.

Kenneth Aaron, Albany Times-Union, 24 August 2003
Interview with Paul Grant on the SuperGrid and the 14 August 2003 eastern states blackout.

Kenneth Chang, New York Times, 4 November 2003
Ken Chang's feature article on global climate change.  Contains a quote from Chauncey Starr on viability of the SuperGrid concept.

Stuart Brown, Fortune Magazine, 8 August 2005
Interview with Chauncey Starr about the SuperGrid.  Quote: "It pushes the limits of our engineering...but not our science."

Champion of the SuperGrid, Physics World, July 2007
Daniel Clery's interview of Paul Grant.  Quote: "Unfortunately, before our vision becomes an imperative, we humans will likely have oxidized every atom of carbon on the planet."

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