What's New?

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This page is a time reversed log of changes and features added to this web site over time.   Please visit often.

5 October 2015
  • OK, Ok...it's been a while.  In 2012 relocated my business office to ALV and made lots of updates.
  • Created several new Wikis (e.g., ElectriWiki and Anthologies).
  • Continually updating Presentations and Publications list, also SuperBlog.
  • Of course, keeping Resume and Vitae up to date.
  • About Paul Grant reflects recent awards and distinctions.
  • PMG on YouTube
13 June 2010
  • Nearly completed changeover to new Windows 7 Pro (x64) workstation based on HP e9280t, 3.33 GHz i7-975, 12 GB RAM, 1 TB Storage
  • Made various cosmetic changes...740 -> 800 pixels and other small additions
2 November 2009
17 October 2009
  • Various cosmetic pages/updates added, e.g.,
    • Video Introduction
    • W2AGZ & The Media
  • Continuing partial completion of the Publications page, especially the Opinion & Commentary links
20 August 2009
  • Completed move of W2AGZ.com from local "shack" server to InMotionHosting.com.  The indented table directly below was "default.htm" during the transition period, and describes a number of new additional features that have been added.  CAUTION!  Many of the links below throughout this whole page are no longer valid!
  • A new "business" e-mail address, w2agz@w2agz.com, has been created...in the meantime w2agz@pacbell.net will also remain active as well.
  • A general purpose FTP site has been set up, ftpuser@w2agz.com.  However, this is a private site and requires a password (i.e., it is not anonymous).  If I have something for you to download, I'll send you the password, if you have something to upload to me, e-mail me a request for the password.  Although you can use IE, a free dedicated FTP client, such as FileZilla or FireFTP, works better.



On 1 August 2009, W2AGZ.com has relocated to a commercial web hosting ISP (InMotionHosting.com), and may be unstable and incomplete for a while.  If you want to bypass all this intro crap and go right to the new site, click here.  But...there's going be a lot of updating and additions activity from now on to YE09...and hopefully beyond! 


When you no longer see this page (on or about 1 October 2009, my web site will have been permanently relocated and revised (more or less!)).  NB: Until this is accomplished, clicking on "Home" on any "child" page will return you back here and you will have to click this "New Home" link or the button below to get back to the actual home page.

New Pages/Features

BookDoors:  A collection of about 10+ pages not accessible from my former home page (hence "backdoors") with separate URLs which visitors would have to know beforehand.  These pages, almost all built in support of various talks and seminars delivered since 2005, have now been collected together and are no longer "hidden."  Caveat Emptor:  A number of these "backdoors" contain an URL link...In the future, if you want to directly link to a past "backdoor," preface the stated past URL with "BD_".  E.g., if the past link was, "http://www.w2agz.com/ucdpc08.htm," the new "direct," if you really wanted to use it, would be,  "http://www.w2agz.com/BD_ucdpc08.htm".
TrapDoors:  A new feature dealing with opinions and commentaries I've published throughout my career, many on "junk science," especially related to infinite energy and climate catastrophe...and "USO's"...Unidentified Superconducting Objects.
SuperWiki:  A vast collection of articles and papers on subjects in energy science, including nuclear fission and fusion, hydrogen, climate change, renewables, superconductivity, and much more, mostly collected from the BackDoor databases and my publications.
Chauncey's Page:  Dedicated to the late Chauncey Starr and will include all his physics publications up through his work under Percy Bridgman while Chauncey was a research associate at Harvard.
SuperBlog:  Assuming I can learn how to implement this, a discussion tool for those interested in energy and superconductivity issues.  In the meantime, checkout SuperLinks.
New E-Mail Boxes:  Since now w2agz.com is becoming a "real" web resource commercially hosted, I will be establishing new e-mail boxes based on the w2agz.com domain, e.g., paul@w2agz.com and quite possibly three or four more.  These should be available by 15 August (or sooner).  In the meantime, continue to use w2agz@pacbell.net.

Feedback, Please

As this migration is underway, please let me know if you detect any broken links.  I'm not a pro web site creator...otherwise I'd be rich!
I've noticed some of my pages have a GoogleRank of 3-4 out of 10...about equal to the DOE and Nat Lab superconductivity pages.  How could I improve this site so I can bury them?
1 August 2009
  • After four years, a major, major upgrade.  For details, go to default.htm.  Around the middle to end of August, the changes listed on default.htm will be copied here and default.htm will revert to "Home."
18 September 2005
31 July 2005
31 January 2005
  • Began construction of Publications page.  New material may be added periodically to this page with or without subsequent notice on this page...stay alert.
  • Added Nuclear Future rollout article
  • Fixed some more broken links
21 January 2005
7 January 2005
4 January 2005
28 October 2004



17 October 2004


10 October 2004
8 October 2004
11 August 2004
10 August 2004
  • Changed "informational links" (About PMG, etc.) to open in new windows to improve "temporary navigation"
  • Added structure for SuperGrid site and temporary link button on Home Page
  • Put "hotspot" on splash image on start-up to get to main website right away without waiting for "home" to load.
05 August 2004
  • Added update byline on Home Page
  • Extensively reworked Front Page to include all conferences and presentations I made in 2004
24 June 2004
First published
15 June 2004 Started site development




Front Page